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The 1st Annual General Meeting Was Held

Writer's picture: 穂積浅葱|Asagi Hozumi穂積浅葱|Asagi Hozumi

The very first annual general meeting of the AAPJ was held on August 29, where board members were elected and rules were amended.

The meeting was held entirely online, therefore we had no close contact between members.



DATE, TIME AND VENUE Date/Time: Sunday, August 29, 2021, 20:00 (Japan Standard Time) Venue: N/A (held online) NUMBERS OF MEMBERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Members: 27 Board Members: 2 NUMBER OF MEMBERS AND BOARD MEMBERS WHO ATTENDED Members: 8 Board Members: Asagi Hozumi (Co-Director) Yuichi Furuno (Co-Director) ITEMS TO DISCUSS

  1. Election of Board Members

    1. Director(s)

    2. Accountant(s)

    3. Auditor(s)

  2. Amendments to Rules

SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS AND RESOLUTIONS Director Asagi Hozumi declared the opening of the general meeting and reported that the quorum was achieved so that the meeting could be held. Director Asagi Hozumi declared that he would be the chairperson, and appointed Director Yuichi Furuno to be the vice-chairperson. 1. Election of Board Members

1. Director(s) Current Directors, Asagi Hozumi and Yuichi Furuno, were the candidattes and were elected unanimously as directors. 2. Accountant(s) Asagi Hozumi was the candidate and was elected unanimously as accountant. 3. Auditor(s) Hapi was the candidate and was elected unanimously as auditor.

2. Amendments to Rules Director Asagi Hozumi explained the reasons for the amendments and all articles that would be revised. No questions or oppositions were raised, and the proposed amendments were passed unanimously. Chairperson confirmed all items had been discussed, and declared the closure of the meeting at 20:27.


Asagi Hozumi made these minutes and Hapi confirmed their content is true and correct.

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