Antinatalism Japan held its 3rd Annual General Meeting on August 27, 2023, to
- elect board members,
- present financial report, and
- discuss a potential amendment to Rules.
Below are the minutes of the AGM.
The 3rd Annual General Meeting of Antinatalism Japan
August 28, 2023
Date/Time: Sunday, August 27, 2023, 20:00 (Japan Standard Time)
Venue: N/A (held online)
Members: 45 (Regular Members: 27)
Board Members: 3
Members: 12 (4 by attorney)
Board Members:
Asagi Hozumi (Co-Director/Accountant)
Yuichi Furuno (Co-Director)
Hapi (Auditor)
Election of Board Members
Financial Report
Potential Amendment to Rules to Minimize Risks of General Meetings Failing to Achieve a Quorum
SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS AND RESOLUTIONS Director Asagi Hozumi declared the opening of the general meeting and reported that the quorum was achieved so that the meeting could be held. Director Asagi Hozumi declared that he would be the chairperson, and appointed Director Yuichi Furuno to be the vice-chairperson. 1. Election of Board Members
Asagi Hozumi was the only candidate for Director and Accountant. Hapi, Aliza Krobara, and Yui were candidates for Auditors. No objection was raised to appointing any of the candidates, and following Board Members were elected.
Director: Asagi Hozumi Accountant: Asagi Hozumi Auditors: Hapi/Aliza Krobara/Yui
2. Financial Report
Accountant Asagi Hozumi reported financial situations of Antinatalism Japan until the point of the AGM, and raised the prospect of increasing expenditure for the near future for upgrading the website and renting a trunk room. An attendant suggested that an appeal needs to be made to financially better-off members for helping the organization, given the fact that all income so far had come solely from donation by Asagi Hozumi.
3. Potential Amendment to Rules to Minimize Risks of General Meetings Failing to Achieve a Quorum
An attendant suggested that Rules needed to be amanded in order to enable the organization to withdraw members who have been impossible to reach for a certain period of time, so that the risk of any general meeting failing to achieve a quorum can be avoided. However, because
the risk can be avoided with the current set of Rules, by utilizing Rule 7-2, which enables a board meeting to change the type of membership of any member, and
therefore withdrawing regular members who cannot be reached for some time would not benefit the organization in any way, and could potentially do harm,
the attendants agreed that no amendment to the Rules was needed. Attendants also discussed projects that Translation Department could potentially work on in the future, and contents that should be made available on the website. Asagi Hozumi answered questions form attendants about the current state of the organization, Rules, etc. The chairperson confirmed all that needed to be discussed had been dealt with, and closed the general meeting at 20:56.
Asagi Hozumi made these minutes and Hapi, Aliza Krobara and Yui confirmed their content is true and correct.